Life on the Road

Lockdown update

Light at the end of the tunnel!

Like everybody else we are watching the news and social media for the definitive announcement that campsites will open on July 4th. Numerous times it has been mentioned in parliament that when it is safe to do so campsites will open and the date has been much publicised by both large camping organisations but the green light and big button still hasn’t been activated.

Both the CCC (Camping and Caravanning Club) and the CAMC (Caravan and Motorhome Club) have announced that their sites will open from July 4th with numerous social distancing measures in place. Even our favourite independent sites have indicated that they will open with all the government requirements. So it looks like it good to go and we are along with everybody else champing at the bit waiting for the release to happen.

Hopefully all the sites will be able to accommodate the seemingly thousands of units that are intending to take advantage of the ‘staycation’ situation.

Apart from that I have been down to see Trundlebus a couple of times this week to continue the installations. Checked for leaks after the constant deluge and thunderstorms we have experienced this week, thankfully the repairs to the windows have held and so far no ingress.

We now have lights in the attic and the galley cupboards. They took a a little longer than expected to wire up as I managed to tap into the wrong cable and had to reroute back to the new fuse box.

*note to self, make sure you double check wiring before you splice and dice*

The fridge has had a good clean out and provisions have started to be collected ready for our return to the road. The woodwork has had a throughly good polish and the carpets have been vacuumed to with an inch of their lives. No doubt in the coming weeks I’ll find something else to do that will involve visiting Trundlebus in storage. It’s amazing just how relaxing it is just sitting in the van with a cuppa even in the storage yard staring out of the window dreaming of far off fields. Only. A few more weeks and this will hopefully become reality.

We have also decided to install a diesel blow air heater, it has arrived today (18th June) and once we have managed to work out just where it’s all going we will get it set up and working. Only problem we can envisage is the fuel tank. It’s a bit big.

Keep watching this space for an update and more photos.

Diesel heater