Trundlebus Travels ~ Stage IX
Iberian Winter
5 November 2019 – 17 March 2020
Stage IX Slider
Coquelles: Cite Europe, Back in France to start Stage IX and the wander south for some winter sunshine Address: Boulevard du Kent, 62231 Coquelles |
La Mailleraye sur Seine: Back for the night as we continue south Address: |
Guilberville: Guilberville for the night. Taking advantage of the free services including hookup, well it would be rude not to Address: |
Paimpont: Back for a very long weekend. Couple of changes to the site, there is now a electronic pay point and barrier. Hopefully the teething problems are only temporary but it wouldn’t give anybody more than 72 hours stay. Aire has now been surrounded by a fence and large stones to stop unauthorised access. Services are still free as is the WiFi. Address: |
Saint Nazaire: A stop off for the night Address: |
Cellefrouin: Further south than we expected but a safe haven for the night after discovering that our intended overnight spot in Benet had been taken over by a Funfair of all things Address: |
Montignac: Stopping for a very long weekend to effect repairs, discovered the water tank connecting pipe had split. Still 6€ for the night including hook up and service Address: |
Rodez: After Albi, Rodez, after Albi we headed north again to find an Aire, we headed north ish again to find somewhere to park for the night. Services are as you enter on the right. There are only 5 bays and a little tight for larger vehicles. Address: |
Le Bosc. After a day wandering around Aveyron finding numerous Megaliths we crossed the Millau and headed south towards J54 on the A75 and Leclerc supermarket, stopping to do the washing and give Trundlebus a bath. Address: |
Peyriac sur Mer: Our temporary home for a few days. Still 5€ a night with services thrown in for good measure. Water requires a male adapter! Address: |